Pål Schie

Author's posts

Groundhog Day 2018 – Feb. 2

Live from Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney Pennsylvania at about. 7:20 a.m. eastern time  (13:20 CET). Will Punxsutawney Phil, the “Prognosticator of Prognosticators,” see his own shadow? Live feed starts 12:00 CET. http://visitpa.com/groundhog-day-live-stream/  Update 13:26 CET: Phil could see his own shadow, so we are going to have a long winter, 6 more weeks :/ Same …

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The coming crisis

Back in 2013 I wrote some articles about a new financial crisis that are on its way. A crisis that is going to be worse than the global finance crisis we experienced in 2007-2008. Now it looks like it’s very close. It’s hard to time these collapses, but it is coming for sure. The common …

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Xbox Call of duty WWII videos

Call of duty WWII

Call of duty World War II videos  

The value of bitcoins

I think the idea behind crypto currencies and blockchain technology is great, and I’m a big fan. Remove the need for central banks and intermediaries, and move power from governments to the people. Regards to Bitcoins, I do not believe this will end well. I’m pretty sure that the value will go to zero and …

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Bitcoin: 13vggXpyy1phEF63tRqz8eo6XACEF8E5JK Schie.Com – Root Certificate Authority certificate —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– MIIEcDCCA1igAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBhjELMAkGA1UEBhMCTk8x ETAPBgNVBAgTCE5pdHRlZGFsMRIwEAYDVQQHEwlIb2x1bXNrb2cxFDASBgNVBAoT C1NjaGllRG90Q29tMSMwIQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhRob3N0bWFzdGVyQHNjaGllLmNv bTEVMBMGA1UEAxMMY2Euc2NoaWUuY29tMB4XDTE0MDYxMjE2MDg0MloXDTI0MDYw OTE2MDg0MlowgYYxCzAJBgNVBAYTAk5PMREwDwYDVQQIEwhOaXR0ZWRhbDESMBAG A1UEBxMJSG9sdW1za29nMRQwEgYDVQQKEwtTY2hpZURvdENvbTEjMCEGCSqGSIb3 DQEJARYUaG9zdG1hc3RlckBzY2hpZS5jb20xFTATBgNVBAMTDGNhLnNjaGllLmNv bTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALHeji+LmlrWsCzaZ5Q8 KRZK4rv4K96hHdL2aH1yyV6S2DMLXg0VOqx+afWOMhxplnmrZ8PzuZrq5eJ9/4km 6B2AuqT5mYlTaVLrkxfrCo6dcpzm9kS7sh7fO5/trDQP/cN/B2hdc72sRRkKlQuY wPd1UlcYFjKO+NV1RS+qJkQ2ml4CPVE2D/nnOEa6o5xCT9ta3vd00TrrRbFQwfAB jrL1aUrTfheArW2uSlsb3IA0Fk+wlutdmJnigker9sXiJYN0+ewhMuAQLAG28JNE RTIOXXak7d96/nftsfFMtjxX1ISZm+XjkzP2+4C5BqI39o9TX8m6h8mIlD7hKVEm bccCAwEAAaOB5jCB4zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU99so3bWF7ycvc6kWBH8+63zUt0owgbMG A1UdIwSBqzCBqIAU99so3bWF7ycvc6kWBH8+63zUt0qhgYykgYkwgYYxCzAJBgNV BAYTAk5PMREwDwYDVQQIEwhOaXR0ZWRhbDESMBAGA1UEBxMJSG9sdW1za29nMRQw EgYDVQQKEwtTY2hpZURvdENvbTEjMCEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYUaG9zdG1hc3RlckBz Y2hpZS5jb20xFTATBgNVBAMTDGNhLnNjaGllLmNvbYIBADAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/ MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBfS3m33EwsVF4Ikfhzcb7RDBh5UXjt3dTTAneR JQgbDkqMuZMceRz3Zp2/QAvaSgAgphSLbh5WlBjSZX2jSGPunKZu0+GsR9lC9Vsy JK1IRN4yJoO5XFuvyGZhH+PthF0g/AfNhIVjz9QfP6o55Ye58NOOQi6vVkCX3Lk2 Yx9EA32S82CdHgFqHYVbZUh6QfuyiC6IE1Ub9JqGdU515NNZhZb6JfLZoGistQGc VEW+s+aemmBc2ybePitQk3JPP1KjZxYkxuhxbkdxPeNyej7Ne+YJFqnJsoga7Y/V vjswZqvjRuGzu6QiOz8G+a8JhMkdjV4HlEC0JLvdWQ17kGzk —–END CERTIFICATE—– PGP Fingerprint: B7C4C2B51B96C557305B43A674E5F87DAED62EA0 —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– Version: GnuPG v2 mQENBFmpJQMBCACsUpGcNk4bW2TqRiROpIRSYJKsfjpcMSt9cVXJ09awvOi6ydH9 Zjif/n7U2QDj6Tt4PnkZowiC0tP4kw74S6u2mCOuGpb8dSgCPa82w4M11v5wvRip 8Ay9SKxHH1jVvloCNdXbqlai6QXYY5mOROcf7LhyciI1lY/Cg1YVEDeO5+XV74Jf ZNA2O3I9bQFKeMg8Fz9Uk1qPzU1Z8J3aQP1lUtazsL27ejFw0sdOvjyh2Fq5rE7F uG4/Z+de2WjFD7D3cfJoBVDQ0C+1nf7nb6Q2ZSL6Uwvcc25Dbi/Vyiot2jVjHf3y Rv495ijJfy/Poo1JzEBONzBEmL5XOcYhaGCHABEBAAG0HVDDpWwgU2NoaWUgPHBz Y2hpZUBzY2hpZS5jb20+iQE5BBMBCAAjBQJZqSUDAhsDBwsJCAcDAgEGFQgCCQoL BBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQdOX4fa7WLqBr2wgAjDn0UZIp7+g2KgP5LAgevR22fNAY …

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Ringshaugbukta, Tønsberg

This is a picture from last spring that I have edited in Adobe Photoshop. I tried to stretch the adjustments to the border of the absurd. Still like the colors and contrasts though, and it’s not supposed to be 100% natural.

FreeNAS storage system

I have finally started my home storage system project in-between some renovation work at home. I want a central storage solution for home computers, mobile phones and other devices. I really do not want to store private stuff in the cloud. As a fan of the FreeBSD operating system, the obvious solution is to install …

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Certificates and pfSense, how to sign cert requests

pfSense is a neat firewall based on the FreeBSD operating system. The firewall will by default act as a CA (Certificate Authority) issuing certificates to firewall users and services. Certificates typically used by “internal” VPN clients and for running a secure https management session to the firewall. But you may have external boxes that needs certificates too. …

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Dynamic DNS and pfSense

This post describes the basics concepts, and I have tried to make it as short and non-technical as possible. IP addresses Computers address each other using IP addresses. IP addresses of the form (IPv4 dotted-decimal notation defined by the TCP/IP protocol).  When a computer sends a “data packet” to another computer, it´s labelling the packet with a …

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Skatteetaten og innkalling til selvangivelsen

Meldingen under slapp gjennom spamfilteret. Ha Ha 🙂 E-posten stammer fra en server lokalisert hos en leverandør av skytjenester i Texas. Det er sannsynligvis en kunde som har satt opp en server som ikke er sikret godt nok og som har blitt kompromitert. Bandittene har sannsynligvis forsøkt å benytte google translate e.l. med mindre hell.